Learn the basic movement principles and exercises to improve your martial arts skills! During this course, you will learn the movement fundamentals that will take your martial arts skills to the next level!
How will GFM make me a better martial artist?
How will GFM make me a better martial artist?
At the base of all martial arts are a number of movement skills which allow you to perform your art better- mobility, coordination, correct power generation and your ability to read your and your opponent’s position in space and to translate that ability into action.
Our ground Force Method for Martial Artists Online course will give the basic tools to improve those skills and get your martial arts skills to the next level!
Course Contents
Course Contents
Introduction- introduction and course outlines.
Lesson 1- kick higher, punch harder, roll smoother- hip rotation:
- Differences between static stretching, dynamic stretching and mobility.
- Importance of hip mobility in striking and srappling
- Mixer
- Z Series
- Prone-TGU-Bridge
- Disco race
Lesson 2 – do you even roll? Sensory integration:
- The importance of good proprioception in fighting
- The goal of sensory integration
- Sweep rolls
- Segmental rolling
- Forward and backward rolling
- Roll combinations
- Candle series
Lesson 3- sub maximal plyometrics- the controlled explosion:
- Definition of plyometrics and sub maximal plyometrics
- Correct landing mechanics
- Silverback position and movements
- Frog position and movements
- Rabbit movements
- The Flea
Lesson 4- Coordination for martial artists:
- The importance of coordinated actions in martial arts
- Hand-foot claps
- 6 and 4 point Crawl elbow-knee touch
- 6 and 4 point kick throughs
- Crawl to Crab
Lesson 5- the games of fighting:
This lesson introduces games to improve your martial arts skills
- Crawl Passes–
Position: 4/6 point crawl.
Skill: Hand-eye coordination, reaction time.
Equipment: ball, partner or wall.
- Touch the Hand–
Position: 4/6 point crawl.
Skill: agility, coordination, stability.
Equipment: partner.
- Touch the foot–
Position: 5 point sit or crab.
Skill: agility, coordination, stability.
Equipment: partner.
- Follow–
Position: standing.
Skill- hand-eye coordination.
Equipment: balls of different sizes
The Length of the Videos
The Length of the Videos
25 Minutes
Nadav Shoshan, GFM Global Instructor