Our goal is to demonstrate playfulness when we move, to be completely engaged and to re-educate the vestibular, proprioceptive and visual systems. This rases erroneous patterns and creates new and correct ones. Our goal is to make movement something joyful again, because when we enjoy something – we repeat it. When we repeat it, we get better at it. Suddenly, better, healthy, skillful movements become FUN.
Ground Force Method was born out of the necessity of working with injured athletes and people who were not able to enjoy moving anymore; pain and discomfort had stopped them from enjoying movement. When pain is present, the physicality of life falls into nothingness, and the playfulness of movement is the first thing that becomes impossible…GFM restores lost movement and allows people to rediscover the joy and pleasure of moving well again.
GFM believes and adheres to a system of movement. Our exercises are grouped in a logical order, from the simplest to the most complex and demanding, with the addition of games for fun, playfulness, and reflexive learning. Not only are there regressions and progressions for any level of ability, but we also have specific movement flows based on the Functional Movement Systems (FMS) corrective patterns. Ground Force Method training is functional and FUNdamental!